Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, Avrupa’da ki tüketicileri için yeni güzellikler sunan PlayStation Store’a güncelleme getirdi.
Güncel listeye bakacak olursak:
Full Oyunlar
* Duke Nukem Forever (£14.99/€19.99)
Boyut: 4.5GB
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
* Pinballistik + DLC Bundle (£6.49/€7.99)
Boyut: 315 MB
Stok: Avustralya ve Yeni Zellanda’da mevcut değil
* Puddle (£7.99/€9.99)
Boyut: 1.1GB
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
minis (PS3/PSP)
* Mecho Wars (£3.99/€4.99)
Boyut: 22MB
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
Demolar (PS3)
* The Darkness II Demo
Boyut: 1.5GB
Stok: Almanya’da mevcut değil
* UFC Undisputed 3 Demo
Boyut: 2GB
Stok: Almanya’da mevcut değil
Özel Ödeme Seçenekleri:
* Dissidia: Final Fantasy (Was £14.99/€24.99 – Now £9.99/€11.99)
* Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy – Prologus (Was £2.39/€2.99 – Now £1.19/€1.49)
* Dissidia 012: Final Fantasy (Was £27.99/€34.99 – Now £13.99/€17.99)
* Final Fantasy (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy II (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy IV: Complete Collection (Was £27.99/€34.99 – Now £13.99/€17.99)
* Final Fantasy V (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy VI (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy VII (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy VIII (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy IX (Was £7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
* Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions (£7.99/€9.99 – Now £3.99/€4.99)
PlayStatin Plus üyelerine %10 indirim sağlanacak. Final Fantasy V, 8 Şubat’ta PlayStation Plus üyelerine bedava olarak sunulacak.
Oyun İçerikleri:
* Assassin’s Creed Revelations – Mediterranean Traveler Maps Pack (£7.99/€9.99)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
Disgaea 4
* Holt Village Map (£0.79/€0.99)
* Mao (£2.39/€2.99)
* Overlord Priere (£2.39/€2.99)
Stok: Belçika ve Hollanda’da mevcut değil
* Elevator Action Deluxe – Additional Character – ARKANOID (Ücretsiz)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
* The King of Fighters XIII – Unlock Colours (£2.49/€1.99)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
* LittleBigPlanet2 – Muppets Premium Level Kit (£4.79/€5.99)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
Magic: The Gathering
* Magic 2012 Beknighted Foil (£0.79/€0.99)
* Magic 2012 Beknighted Unlock (£0.79/€0.99)
* Magic 2012 Trinity Of Elements Foil (£0.79/€0.99)
* Magic 2012 Trinity Of Elements Unlock (£0.79/€0.99)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
* Motorstorm Apocalypse – Year Of The Dragon Livery (1 Hafta Süreyle Ücretsiz)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
Rock Band 3
* Rush 2112 (£2.49/€3.99)
Aşağıdaki içerik ayrı olarak da kullanılabilmekte.
* 2112: Discovery, Presentation – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* 2112: Oracle: The Dream, Soliloquy, Grand Finale – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* 2112: Overture, The Temples Of Syrinx – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* Hall & Oates Pack 01 (£2.49/€3.99)
* I Can’T Go For That (No Can Do) – Hall & Oates – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* Maneater – Hall & Oates – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* Private Eyes – Hall & Oates – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* Lodi – Creedence Clearwater Revival – Rush (£0.99/€1.49)
* 2112: Discovery, Presentation – Rush (Pro Guitar) (£0.59/€0.79)
* 2112: Oracle: The Dream, Soliloquy, Grand Finale (Pro Guitar) – Rush (£0.59/€0.79)
* 2112: Overture, The Temples Of Syrinx (Pro Guitar) – Rush (£0.59/€0.79)
* Susie Q – Creedence Clearwater Revival (£0.99/€1.49)
* Private Eyes (Pro Guitar) – Hall & Oates (£0.59/€0.79)
Stok: Karadağ, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Yunanistan, Hindistan, Kuveyt, Lüksenburg, Rusya, Sudi Arabistan, Slovenya, Güney Afrika, Ukrayna, Türkiye, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde mevcut değil
Rock Band Network
* The Way It Ends – Prototype (£0.59/€0.79)
* Ziltoidia Attaxx!! – Devin Townsend (£0.99/€1.49)
* Just A Game – The Blue News (£0.59/€0.79)
* Hold Me In Your Arms – The Trew (£0.59/€0.79)
* A Prophecy (Rb3 Version) – Asking Alexandria (£0.99/€1.49)
* Be Right Here – Mind At Risk (£0.59/€0.79)
* Boy – Ra Ra Riot (£0.99/€1.49)
* Can You Tell – Ra Ra Riot (£0.99/€1.49)
* Easy Days – Free Spirit (£0.99/€1.49)
* Found Me The Bomb – Buckner & Garcia (£0.59/€0.79)
* Frankenstein Teaser Trailer – Richard Campbell (£0.59/€0.79)
Stok: Karadağ, Çek Cumhuriyeti, Yunanistan, Hindistan, Kuveyt, Lüksenburg, Rusya, Sudi Arabistan, Slovenya, Güney Afrika, Ukrayna, Türkiye, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nde mevcut değil
Warhammer 40K Space Marine
* Death Guard Champions Skin (£1.59/€1.99)
* Iron Hands Veteran Skin (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dreadnought Assault Mode (£1.59/€1.99)
Stok: Bütün bölgelerde mevcut
Assassin’s Creed Revelations
* Ezio’s Turkish Armor Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Leandros Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Tarik Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Brigand Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Corsair Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Count Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Deacon Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Gladiator Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Privateer Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* The Vizier Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
Rayman Origins
* Baby Dragon Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Fly Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Globox Toe-Grab Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Hunter Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Lividstones Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Mama Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* PsyCyclop Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Rayman Hairlicopter Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Red Lum Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
* Teensy King Avatar (£0.40/€0.49)
Daytona USA
* Orange Car (£0.20/€0.25)
* Red Car (£0.20/€0.25)
* Red Pixel (£0.20/€0.25)
* Green Pixel (£0.20/€0.25)
* Yellow Pixel (£0.20/€0.25)
The King of Fighters XIII
* Ash (£0.20/€0.25)
* Athena (£0.20/€0.25)
* Benimaru (£0.20/€0.25)
* Billy (£0.20/€0.25)
* Chin (£0.20/€0.25)
* Andy (£0.20/€0.25)
* Clark (£0.20/€0.25)
* Daimon (£0.20/€0.25)
* Dark Ash (£0.20/€0.25)
* Duo Lon (£0.20/€0.25)
* Elisabeth (£0.20/€0.25)
* Iori With The Power Of Flames (£0.20/€0.25)
* Hwa Jai (£0.20/€0.25)
* Iori (£0.20/€0.25)
* Joe (£0.20/€0.25)
* K’ (£0.20/€0.25)
* Mr Karate (£0.20/€0.25)
* Kensou (£0.20/€0.25)
* Kim (£0.20/€0.25)
* King (£0.20/€0.25)
* Kula (£0.20/€0.25)
* Kyo (£0.20/€0.25)
* Leona (£0.20/€0.25)
* Mai (£0.20/€0.25)
* Mature (£0.20/€0.25)
* NESTs Style Kyo (£0.20/€0.25)
* Raiden (£0.20/€0.25)
* Ralf (£0.20/€0.25)
* Robert (£0.20/€0.25)
* Ryo (£0.20/€0.25)
* Saiki (£0.20/€0.25)
* Shen (£0.20/€0.25)
* Saiki After Transformation (£0.20/€0.25)
* Takuma (£0.20/€0.25)
* Terry (£0.20/€0.25)
* Vice (£0.20/€0.25)
* Yuri (£0.20/€0.25)
* Maxima (£0.20/€0.25)
All Zombies Must Die!
* Brian (Anxious) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Brian (Zombie) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Crazy Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Exploder Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Jack (Anxious) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Jack (Happy) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Jogger Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Luxo (Happy) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Luxo (Zombie) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Mutant Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Classic Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rachel (Anxious) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rachel (Happy) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rachel (Zombie) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rage Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rusher Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Shock Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Soldier Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* SWAT Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Swimsuit Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Jack (Zombie) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Nurse Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Dancer Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Ghost Zombie Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* AMG Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Baseball Bat Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Cattle Prod Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Chainsaw Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Cricket Bat Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Flame Gun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Gatling Gun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Katana Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Lawnmower Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Phone Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Pistol Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Raygun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rocket Launcher Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Shotgun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* SMG Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Sonic Gun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Spark Gun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Torch Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Toxic Gun Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Brian (Normal) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Jack (Normal) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Rachel (Normal) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
* Luxo (Normal) Avatar (£0.25/€0.29)
Oyun Temaları
* The Last of Us™ Static Theme (Ürün bedeli henüz mevcut değil)
Dinamic Temalar
Soyut Temalar
* Abstract Color Swirls (£1.59/€1.99)
* Digital Blasphemy: Hidden Forces (£1.99/€2.49)
* Dynamic Beautiful Girl Theme 1 (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic Beautiful Girl Theme 2 (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic geometric orange background theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic grungy clock faces theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* The Last of Us™ Dynamic Theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD (£1.59/€1.99)
* Amazing Earth: Starry Night (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic meditation at sunrise theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic oil donkeys at sunset theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic national park river theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic sea waves and big rocks theme (£1.59/€1.99)
* Dynamic Vampire Theme 5 (£1.59/€1.99)
* Anaheim Ducks Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Atlanta Hawks Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Boston Bruins Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Buffalo Sabres Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Calgary Flames Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Carolina Hurricanes Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Charlotte Bobcats Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Chicago Blackhawks Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Cleveland Cavaliers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Dallas Stars Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Denver Nuggets Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Detroit Pistons Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Detroit Red Wings Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Edmonton Oilers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Florida Panthers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Golden State Warriors Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Houston Rockets Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Indiana Pacers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* LA Kings Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Los Angeles Clippers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Memphis Grizzlies Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Milwaukee Bucks Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Minnesota Timberwolves Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Minnesota Wild Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Montreal Canadiens Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Nashville Predators Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* New Jersey Devils Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* New Jersey Nets Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* New Orleans Hornets Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* New York Islanders Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* New York Rangers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Ottawa Senators Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Philadelphia 76ers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Philadelphia Flyers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Phoenix Coyotes Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Pittsburgh Penguins Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Portland Trail Blazers Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Sacramento Kings Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* San Jose Sharks Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* St. Louis Blues Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Tampa Bay Lightning Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Toronto Maple Leafs Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Toronto Raptors Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Utah Jazz Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Vancouver Canucks Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Washington Capitals Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Washington Wizards Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
* Winnipeg Jets Dynamic Theme (£1.99/€2.49)
Videolar (PS3)
* Access Episode 018
* Grand Slam Tennis 2 Wimbledon Trailers
* House Of The Dead Iii Announcement Trailer
* Ion Assault HD Game Trailer