
Unreal Tournament 2003 – Speech List

Çoğunuz UT2003 ‘ün demosunun bir speech binder içermediğinin farkına varmıştır herhalde. Şahsen ben bu kelime oyunlarını çok seviyorum ve UT2003’de onlarsız yapamazdım. Onun için zamanımı bunu araştırmaya verdim. Deneyimli kullanıcılar durumun diğer UT‘lardan farklı olduğunu anlayabilirler. Örneğin, “Anlaşıldı” için olan “speech 0 1 0”, “speech ack 3” e çevirilmiş.

Speech inizi elle yönetebilmeniz etmeniz için UT2003/System klasörün gidin ve User.ini dosyanızı açın. Genellikle dosyaya çift tıkladığınızda notepad otomatik olarak açar. Eğer açmazsa dosyayı birlikte açtığınız programın notepad olmasına dikkat edin.

User.ini dosyasını açtıktan sonra bütün kontrollerinizin [Engine.Input] altında listelendiğini göreceksiniz. Bütün sekmelerden “0=SwitchWeapon 0” a kadar ekranı kaydırmanız gerekebilir. Bu sekme bütün kontrollerinizin başlangıcı oluyor. Misal, “A=” sizin A tuşunuz, “RShift=” sizin sağ shift tuşunuz ve “Alt=” sizin Alt tuşunuz oluyor.

Şimdi yapmanız gereken tek şey speech’inizi tuşların gerisine yazmak. Speech kodlarını görebilmek için “quick reference guide” a bakın. User.ini dosyanızda gerekli değişiklikleri yaptıktan sonra dosyayı kaydedin. Dosyayı rezil etme ihtimalini göz önünde bulundurup bir yedeğini almanız da akıllıca olur.

A=speech ack 0
B=speech other 0
C=speech order 3
D=speech order 0
E=speech other 12
F=speech friendlyfire 1
G=speech ack 1 

Emir Kabul sözleri:
speech ack 0 = “Alfirmative”
speech ack 1 = “Got it!”
speech ack 2 = “I’m on it!”
speech ack 3 = “Roger” 

Ateş karşılıkları:
speech friendlyfire 0 = “I’m On Your Team!”
speech friendlyfire 1 = “I’m On Your Team, Idiot!”
speech friendlyfire 2 = “Same Team!” 

speech order 0 = “Defend The Base”
speech order 1 = “Hold This Position”
speech order 2 = “Attack”
speech order 3 = “Cover Me”
speech order 4 = “Search and Destroy” 

Diğer sesler:
speech other 0 = “Base is undefended!”
speech other 1 = “Somebody get our flag back!”
speech other 2 = “I’ve got the flag”
speech other 3 = “I’ve got your back”
speech other 4 = “I’m hit!”
speech other 5 = “Man down!”
speech other 6 = “I’m all alone here”
speech other 7 = “Negative!”
speech other 8 = “I’ve got our flag”
speech other 9 = “I’m in position %l”
speech other 10 = “I’m going in!”
speech other 11 = “Area is secure”
speech other 12 = “Enemy flag carrier is %l”
speech other 13 = “I need some backup”
speech other 14 = “Incoming!”
speech other 15 = “Enemy ball carrier is %l”
speech other 16 = “Alpha secure!”
speech other 17 = “Bravo secure!”
speech other 18 = “Attack Alpha”
speech other 19 = “Attack Bravo”
speech other 20 = “The base is under attack %l”
speech other 21 = “We’re being overrun %l!”
speech other 22 = “Under heavy attack %l”
speech other 23 = “Defend point Alpha”
speech other 24 = “Defend point Bravo”
speech other 25 = “Get The Ball”
speech other 26 = “I’m on defense”
speech other 27 = “I’m on offense”
speech other 28 = “Take point Alpha”
speech other 29 = “Take point Bravo”
speech other 30 = “Medic”
speech other 31 = “Nice”
speech other 32 = “I can’t feel my legs”
speech other 33 = “Nice Shot” 

speech taunt 0 =”And Stay Down”
speech taunt 1 =”Anyone Else Want Some?”
speech taunt 2 =”Boom!”
speech taunt 3 =”BURN Baby”
speech taunt 4 =”Die Bitch”
speech taunt 5 =”Eat THAT”
speech taunt 6 =”You Fight Like Nali”
speech taunt 7 =”Is That Your Best?”
speech taunt 8 =”Kiss My Ass”
speech taunt 9 =”Loser”
speech taunt 10 =”MY House”
speech taunt 11 =”Next!”
speech taunt 12 =”Oh YEAH!”
speech taunt 13 =”Ownage”
speech taunt 14 =”Seeya”
speech taunt 15 =”That HAD To Hurt”
speech taunt 16 =”Useless”
speech taunt 17 =”You Play Like A Girl”
speech taunt 18 =”You Be Dead”
speech taunt 19 =”You Like That?”
speech taunt 20 =”You Whore”

Yaratık sesi (Dişi):
speech taunt 21 = “Blow me”
speech taunt 22 = “Camper!”
speech taunt 23 = “Douche bag!”
speech taunt 24 = “Spammer!”
speech taunt 25 = “Sucker”
speech taunt 26 = “Talk to the hand”
speech taunt 27 = “You dick!” 

Yaratık sesi (Erkek):
speech taunt 21 = “Blow me”
speech taunt 22 = “Camper!”
speech taunt 23 = “Douche bag!”
speech taunt 24 = “Spammer!”
speech taunt 25 = “Sucker”
speech taunt 26 = “Talk to the hand”
speech taunt 27 = “You dick!” 

Dev yaratık sesi (Dişi):
speech taunt 21 = “Life Is Pain, Get Over It”
speech taunt 22 = “Right Between The Eyes”
speech taunt 23 = “Tag ‘Em And Bag ‘Em”
speech taunt 24 = “That Was Nasty”
speech taunt 25 = “You Bleed Better Than You Shoot”
speech taunt 26 = “You Suck”
speech taunt 27 = “Lick me”
speech other 32 = “I Can’t Feel My Legs”
speech other 33 = “Nice Shot” 

Dev yaratık sesi (Erkek):
speech taunt 21 = “Life Is Pain, Get Over It”
speech taunt 22 = “Right Between The Eyes”
speech taunt 23 = “Tag ‘Em And Bag ‘Em”
speech taunt 24 = “That Was Nasty”
speech taunt 25 = “You Bleed Better Than You Shoot”
speech taunt 26 = “You Suck”
speech other 32 = “I Can’t Feel My Legs”
speech other 33 = “Nice Shot” 

Paralı asker sesleri (Dişi):
speech taunt 21 = “Duck Faster Next Time”
speech taunt 22 = “Hold Still Dammit”
speech taunt 23 = “Holy Shit”
speech taunt 24 = “Just Hold Still And I’ll Make It Quick”
speech taunt 25 = “Kill Em All”
speech taunt 26 = “Nailed Him”
speech taunt 27 = “Not Even Close”
speech taunt 28 = “Step Aside”
speech taunt 29 = “Suck On This”
speech taunt 30 = “Try Turning The Safety Off”
speech other 32 = “Not Bad” 

Paralı asker sesleri (Erkek):
speech taunt 21 = “Duck Faster Next Time”
speech taunt 22 = “Hold Still Dammit”
speech taunt 23 = “Holy Shit”
speech taunt 24 = “Just Hold Still And I’ll Make It Quick” 
speech taunt 25 = “Kill Em All” 
speech taunt 26 = “Nailed Him” 
speech taunt 27 = “Not Even Close” 
speech taunt 28 = “Step Aside” 
speech taunt 29 = “Suck On This” 
speech taunt 30 = “Try Turning The Safety Off” 
speech taunt 31 = “You Die Too Easily”
speech other 32 = “Not Bad”

Dişi sesleri:
speech taunt 21 = “Fresh Meat”
speech taunt 22 = “I Must Break You”
speech taunt 23 = “I’ll Swallow Your Soul”
speech taunt 24 = “Lost Is Your Soul”
speech taunt 25 = “Meet Your Executioner”
speech taunt 26 = “My Name Is Death”
speech taunt 27 = “No Tears Please..”
speech taunt 28 = “Pain Will Purify You”

Erkek sesleri:
speech taunt 21 = “Fresh Meat”
speech taunt 22 = “I Must Break You”
speech taunt 23 = “I’ll Swallow Your Soul”
speech taunt 24 = “Lost Is Your Soul”
speech taunt 25 = “Meet Your Executioner”
speech taunt 26 = “My Name Is Death”
speech taunt 27 = “No Tears Please…”
speech taunt 28 = “Pain Will Purify You” 

Robot sesleri:
speech taunt 21 = “Die Human”
speech taunt 22 = “Faster Stronger Better”
speech taunt 23 = “Fear Me”
speech taunt 24 = “Flesh Is A Design Flaw”
speech taunt 25 = “My Victory Your Death”
speech taunt 26 = “Not Unacceptable”
speech taunt 27 = “Rogue Process Terminated”
speech taunt 28 = “Witness My Perfection”
speech taunt 29 = “You Die Too Easily”
speech taunt 30 = “You Make Easy Prey”
speech taunt 31 = “Your Programming Is Inferior”
speech other 32 = “Rerouting Critical Systems”
speech other 33 = “You Adapt Well” 

Alaycı sesler:
taunt asssmack = Ass Smack
taunt gesture_beckon = Beckon
taunt gesture_cheer = Cheer
taunt gesture_halt = Halt
taunt gesture_point = Point
taunt pthrust = Pelvic Thrust
taunt throatcut = Throat Cut

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